How I Manifested The Life of My Dreams: A Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation
I am a big believer in the power of Manifestation and the magic of positive thinking. I’ve personally used this practice to manifest over 6 figures in a matter of months, a dream job, my first house, free designer goods, soulmates, all to help create the life of my dreams. I’ve been doing it my whole life, in fact. When I was six years old, my teacher asked me I wanted to be when I group up, to which I proudly responded, “A person that goes on vacation for a living!”. Fast-forward to 35 years olds, and I’ve been taking people on vacation as a luxury travel planner, my entire career.
I recently shared my experience with a friend of manifesting six figures, down to the dollar amount and within two days of my desired date, using the Jim Carey Method. She literally texted me two days ago saying she received a random inheritance of over $100,000! This is what finally inspired me to take the time to create this post.
While writing this guide, it was so important to me that I communicate my genuine, heartfelt belief in this practice, share the science I’ve learned that’s behind it, and most of all, to not come off as “gimmicky”. The magic I’ve experienced since diving into the practice of Manifesting has had such a beautiful impact on my journey in life that I feel compelled to share my experience with you here. No catch or product to purchase, it’s just a beautiful practice that I wish I could teach to every human on this earth to help them understand that life really is full of a little bit of magic and endless possibilities.
If you’re a beginner to manifestation or a bit of a skeptic of the “woo woo” like I was at first, then this post was written with you in mind. I believe that if you follow the simple steps to manifesting, your life will soon take a power shift and begin magically aligning with the future you’ve always wanted. A future that includes possibilities that you’ve probably never even allowed yourself to dream of.
Stick with me, I promise there’s magic ahead.
When I first started to hear about manifestation with the popularity of the book “The Secret”, I was skeptical at first, as I’m sure a lot of people are. How can a few positive thoughts magically make you thousands of dollars, help you find your soulmate, create a new career or make opportunities appear out of thin air? While the Pisces is me is a big daydreamer and loves to romanticize life, I am also a very logical, right-brained person who likes science and hard facts to back up concepts like manifestation, before I can wholeheartedly believe in it. So once I started to see dreams and desires, magically manifest in my own life, I started to wonder if these truly weren’t coincidences, and began my journey into learning everything I could about the science behind manifestation.
While I won’t bore you with the details, my journey into manifestation has included reading every book I could get my hands on, listening to podcasts, seeking out Shamans, taking a Stanford course, speaking to manifestation coaches, attending goddess circles, conferences and meditation events. All with the intention of learning everything I could about this mystical science.
THE GOOD NEWS: After all of this, I’m here to tell you that not only is Manifestation real, but there is actual Quantum Psychics and Science to prove its existence. What a beautiful conclusion to learn that we can actually create the life of our dreams, all by shifting our thoughts and emotions.
To save you the time and energy of navigating the journey to understanding manifestation and developing your best practices through trial and error, I’ve taken my personal experiences and created what I hope is a simple and easy to understand guide to manifesting.
TO DIVE A LITTLE DEEPER: If you’re like me, and want to learn more about the science behind the magic of Manifestation, here are a few books that I highly recommend, and have inadvertently changed my life in the most beautiful of ways.
. Joe Dispenza combines the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, brain chemistry, biology, and genetics to show you what is truly possible.
“Manifest it with Quantum Physics” delivers the secrets and techniques of the law of attraction & quantum physics.
Becoming Supernatural marries some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life.
In order to begin manifesting, you first have to understand how the science of manifestation works. While I could write an entire book on this topic, I’ll keep it simple, because really it’s not all that complicated.
Dr. Joe Dispenza’s groundbreaking work (which is backed by scientific research and studies conducted by top universities) beautifully echoes the essence of manifestation – we are all made of energy, and our cells and atoms all vibrate at a certain frequency, which is affected by a number of factors such as our emotions, environment and thoughts. Like energy attracts like energy. Therefore, manifestation is not just about wishful thinking; it’s the science of aligning our energy with or vibrating on the same “frequency” as our desires.
By shifting our thoughts and, more importantly, by embodying the emotions of our dreams as if they are already our reality, we become magnets for the future we envision. Manifesting is not about blind hope, it’s about adopting conscious thoughts and practicing high vibration emotions in order to create our energetic destiny.
At this point, I’m sure you’re asking how exactly do you do this? It’s actually not as hard as you think. There are a few ways in which you can easily align your frequency with that of your dreams.
Understand that at the core of your being, you are a dynamic flow of energy, made up of vibrating atoms and cells. Embrace the idea that your thoughts and emotions are not just fleeting expressions, but are the powerful driver of the vibration that you broadcast to the world. This vibration, whether positive or negative, influences the vibrations you attract and shapes your reality.
As I mentioned above, like energy attracts like energy, so if you are constantly in a negative state, having negative thoughts and feeling negative emotions, then you will consistently attract people and experiences on a similar vibration. The same goes for a person living in a positive state. By recognizing the profound connection between your thoughts, emotions, and the energy you radiate, you will see that you’ve been unconsciously shaping your future for most of your life. Internalize the idea that you are made of energy, and like energy attracts like energy.
A little confused? Stick with me.
The most important, and sometimes the most difficult part of becoming a master manifestor, is becoming conscious of your thoughts and emotional states. Most of us live day to day in a set pattern of emotions and subconscious thoughts that have been ingrained in us throughout our life, without even realizing it. If you wake up in the morning and tell yourself that today is going to be just like yesterday, then there’s no room for the possibility of something magical or unexpected to happen. If you tell yourself that today is going to be a horrible day, then you have already put yourself into a bad mood and lowered your vibration. The rest of your day will, more than likely, go exactly according to the way you have envisioned it.
For an entire day, try to remain conscious of your thoughts, and take stock of your emotional states throughout the day. Are your thoughts mostly positive or negative? Consider the spectrum of emotions – are you mostly living in high-energy states like gratitude, love, and joy or in low-energy states like anxiety (fear), sadness, and anger? The resonance of our thoughts, whether uplifting or draining, directly influences our energy. Becoming conscious of our thoughts and emotions, is the first step to changing our frequency.
You can use this Emotional Guidance Scale to help you to determine if your emotions are positive or negative and help you to identify the positive feelings you wish to feel instead.

Take the time to write down the things you want to attract into your life. This is an important step before you can begin to shift your thoughts and emotions to be in alignment with the things you want to manifest.
Create a list of the things you want to manifest, and then write a detailed description for each manifestation of what your life would look like if you have already attracted that thing. Get specific! Then I want you to identify the emotions you would feel if that manifestation were already true, using the emotional guidance scale above as a guide. For example, if you want to attract a new job, how would you feel if you already had it? You’d feel passionate, gratitude to be getting paid to do what you love, freedom (financially) etc.
Once you’ve identified what you want to manifest, and how you would feel if you had those manifestations came true, you can move on to the next step.
Manifestation isn’t solely about positive thinking; it’s about restructuring your thoughts and, more importantly, embodying the emotions associated with your desired reality. In order to change your vibration, you need to practice feeling joy, gratitude, love etc. as if it’s already present in your life.
The more you practice elevated emotions, the more you are hard-wiring your brain to default to positive thoughts and feelings. The best part is that our brains can’t tell the difference between what is real and what we have imagined, so shifting your state start with simply using your imagination.
- Writing Down Your Desires: Journaling is a great way to reinforce your manifestations and to remind yourself of the emotional states you would be living in if your manifestations had already come true. I like to journal as if I’m my future self already living in my dream life and express lots of gratitude for my blessings. It may feel delulu at first, but I promise it’s a great way to shift your emotional state. I recommend doing your practice in the morning to remind yourself of the emotional states you want to focus on for the day, and also to reflect on where your thoughts went astray the day before in order to revise for the day ahead.
- Visualization: While lying in bed at night before you fall asleep, close your eyes and visualize the life of your dreams. To keep it simple, I like to focus on one thing at a time that I’m trying to manifest. Get extremely detailed with your visualization, and then think about how would you feel if you had that one thing? For example, if you were manifesting more abundance, if you were already financially abundant you might feel security, freedom, gratitude and generosity. Practice those feelings consistently, and soon you will have rewired your brain to feel the emotions more often.
- Meditation: Go on YouTube and find a short guided meditation that focuses on the area of your life in which you are trying to create. Similar to a bedtime visualization, don’t just visualize your dream life, but focus on feeling the emotions you are feeling in order to hard-wire your brain to feel those emotions on a consistent basis.
I love this video of Dr. Joe Dispenza describing how his son used meditation and emotional states to attract his perfect dream job in only a few weeks.
- Music: Put on one of your favorite songs, you know, the one that puts a smile on your face, makes you want to dance and leaves you feeling a little bit euphoric. For example, is there a love song that perfectly aligns with the future romantic partner you want to attract? Put that song on and let yourself daydream and feel all of the positive emotions that the music conjures up. Remember that feeling, and try to go about your day as if that song was written about your life.
- Gratitude: I know it sounds cheesy, but practicing gratitude can actually help you change your emotional state and speed up your manifestations. What can you feel grateful for today? It can be as simple as having a roof over your head, having a sweet catch up phone call with a friend, or the joy of a sunny day. Focusing on the things that are positive in your life, helps shift your brain from lower energy feelings such as sadness and anxiety to feelings of thankfulness and joy. While it may not feel like it’s doing much at first, the more you catch your negative thoughts, and instead ask yourself, “What can I feel grateful for right now instead?”, you’ll soon see a shift in your thoughts and emotional states.
- Vision Board: At the start of every year I like to make a vision board of my future life, as a daily reminder of what I am attracting. A vision board is essentially a collage of photos that creates a visual representation of your dream life. I like to place mine in an area where I’ll see it every day to be subconsciously reminded of my manifestations and to check in on my thoughts / emotional state.
Check out my guide to creating a Powerful Feng Shui Inspired Vision Board, for instructions and inspiration to create your own vision board to manifest in every aspect of your life.
Manifestation is a journey, not an instant event. Cultivate patience and persistence, knowing that the life you’re attracting will unfold in divine timing. Who are you to know the how and when? And better yet, why worry about it when you don’t have to?! The better you get at manifesting, the more your desires will start to flow into your life with less time.
Manifestation feels like magic, but how beautiful is it to know that it’s simply just the profound science of aligning our energy with our desires and dreams? So, as you begin your manifestation journey, remember it’s not about just about blind hope, but that it’s a conscious understanding that we are truly the designers of our own dreamy destiny.